Shareholders' Meeting
On March 29, 2024, the general meeting of shareholders of JSC Mogilev Meat Processing Plant will be held at the address: Mogilev, Dimitrov Avenue, 11, fourth floor, meeting room.
The meeting starts at 12.00.
The agenda:
1. Report of the General Director of the Company "On the results of the financial and economic activities of the Company for 2023 and the definition of the main areas of activity for 2024
2. Report on the work of the Supervisory Board in 2023.
3. Report on the work of the Audit Commission in 2023.
4. Approval of the annual balance sheet and profit and loss statement of the Company for 2023, taking into account the auditor's report.
5. Approval of the procedure for the direction and distribution of net profit remaining at the disposal of the Company for 2023. On approval of the amount of the part of the profit remaining at the disposal of the Company after payment of taxes and other mandatory payments and subject to distribution through payment of dividends for 2023 in accordance with the procedure established by the Decree
The President of the Republic of Belarus dated 12/28/2005 No. 637 (with amendments and additions), determining the amount of dividends, including per share, the timing and procedure for their payment.
6. The establishment of the dividend payment period in 2024 - based on the results of the year.
7. On approval of the procedure for the distribution of net profit for 2024.
8. Approval of the conditions of financial remuneration of representatives of the state in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 02/19/2008 No. 100 "On certain issues of ownership supervision" (with amendments and additions), members of the Supervisory Board and the audit commission.
9. On the election of members of the Supervisory Board for 2024.
10. On the election of the audit Commission for 2024.
The meeting will take place on the fourth floor, the meeting room of JSC Mogilev Meat Processing Plant at the address: Mogilev, Dimitrov Avenue, 11, registration of participants from 11-30 to 12-00, the meeting starts at 12-00. Have with you: a passport for the shareholder, a passport and a power of attorney for the shareholder's representative."