About Mogilev Meat Processing Plant

DevelopmentWe offer our clients modern technologies and creative approach. This inspires not only us, but also our consumers to look for their own bright and unusual ideas.
IndividualityFor the production of meat products, we use only high-quality raw materials of our own production. Our products combine uniqueness and loyalty to tradition.
SincerityAt the heart of our work is goodwill and respect for our customers. We create meat delicacies based on the tastes of our consumers, taking into account their requests and wishes.
ResponsibilityWe control all stages of the production of meat products - from checking each batch of raw materials to testing finished products, which allows us to maintain high quality for many years
An agricultural branch for growing and fattening young pigs "SlavAgro" with a design capacity of 24,000 heads per year was launched near the village of Peregon, Slavgorod district. The full loading of the production capacities of its own pig farm allowed Mogilev Meat Processing Plant to reach a new level of its development. The use of own raw materials in the production of products has led not only to an increase in production volumes and sales of all types of products, but also to an increase in the profitability and profitability of the enterprise.

The activities of Mogilev Meat Processing Plant OJSC are aimed at producing high-quality and safe products, as well as achieving sustainable success in providing consumers with products that meet their needs and expectations.
Quality and safety control of products is carried out by the personnel of the production and veterinary control department of the Company through constant multi-stage control throughout the entire production chain: from incoming quality control of purchased raw materials, auxiliary supplies and materials to control of finished products.
The peculiarity of the work of the department of production veterinary control is to prevent the receipt of low-quality raw materials for production.
The company has a departmental laboratory. Accreditation certificate BY/112 2.2889 valid until 10.10.2026. The laboratory is accredited for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-20149 (ISO/IEC 17025:2017, IDT). Permission to carry out work with opportunistic microorganisms and pathogenic biological agents of the first and second risk groups, until 06/07/2024 Issued by the Oktyabrsky District Administration Mogilev.
The summer health camp "Lastochka" is a camp that annually from June to August invites friendly and open-minded boys and girls who are able to appreciate their peers and establish long-term friendships with them. Lastochka is a camp of joy and collective creative activity.
Improvement of children, health promotion
Formation of healthy lifestyle skills
Taking care of your health and the environment
Formation of moral qualities, national identity
Development of the intellectual and spiritual potential of children
The manifestation and development of creative abilities in children