JSC Mogilev Meat Processing Plant - 120 years old!


A wonderful celebration dedicated to the 120th anniversary of JSC Mogilev Meat Processing Plant took place today at the City Cultural Center! 

Among the honored guests were:

- Leonid Konstantinovich Zayats, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on regional policy and local Self-government, authorized representative of the Head of State in the Mogilev region.

- Sergey Konstantinovich Savitsky, First Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee.

- Oleg Vladimirovich Shkabrov, Head of the Meat and Dairy Products Technology Department of the Main Directorate of the Processing Industry of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.

- Igor Valeryevich Bushlekov, First Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev City Executive Committee.

- Maxim Nikolaevich Gurin, Chairman of the Mogilev City Council of Deputies.

- Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev regional Trade Union organization Nadezhda Mikhailovna Rumyantseva.

- Alexander Anatolyevich Milyutin, General Director of JSC Mogilev Meat Processing Plant.

This event was not only a celebration, but also an opportunity to celebrate the company's achievements. Mogilev Meat Processing Plant JSC was awarded the Gratitude of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus for its significant contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Mogilev region.

For many years of conscientious work and high professionalism, Alexander Anatolyevich MILYUTIN, General Director, was awarded the badge of distinction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food "For the merits of rural Gaspadars".

Letters of thanks and certificates of honor were also presented to the best employees of the company at the award ceremony. This was a pleasant surprise for those who contribute to the success of the company and its development.

After the solemn part of the event, a festive concert was held, which became a gift for everyone present!  The concert filled the hall with positive energy and joy, and its culmination was the performance of the company's new anthem.

We thank everyone who came to this important event for us!