
At the International Competition "The Best Product of the Year - 2025" OJSC "Mogilev Meat-Processing Plant" won 9 Gold Medals.

For high quality and unique taste, the tasting committee of the competition awarded Gold Medals to:

- Cooked meat sausage product "Mogilevskaya Sausage" premium grade.
- Sausage product from heat-treated ingredients "Headcheese with tongue" cooked meat premium grade.
- Dry-cured sausage product "Salami Bresaola" premium grade chilled.
- Cooked and smoked sausage product "Svetskaya Sausage" premium grade.
- Pork product "Bacon Mogilevsky" smoked and boiled.
- Dry-cured sausage product "Derevensky Gostinets Sausage" premium grade.
- Dry-cured beef product "Viande des Grisons / Viande des Grisons".
- Sterilized canned vegetable and meat "Perlovka with beef".
- Smoked and baked beef product "Brisket".

We would like to thank every employee of Mogilev Meat Processing Plant OJSC for their work and dedication, together we will conquer all the peaks!

The trust and support of our customers inspire us to new achievements!