FoodExpo Kazakhstan-2022 in Almaty
Mogilev Meat Processing Plant takes part in the 24th Central Asian International Exhibition FoodExpo Qazaqstan-2022 in Almaty.
We are pleased to present our products among the leaders of food manufacturers.
We invite everyone to our booth.
Worth checking out:
22.10.2022Subbotnik at the enterpriseToday, a clean-up day is being held throughout the city as part of the month of improvement. The staff of JSC "Mogilev Meat Processing Plant" also gathered to contribute to restoring order.Read more
17.03.2023The International Agricultural Exhibition "AgriteQ"JSC "Mogilev Meat Processing Plant" presents its products in the Pavilion of Belarusian producers "Belarus. The Taste of Nature" within the framework of the international agricultural exhibition "AgriteQ".Read more