"Belarus is a country of peace and harmony."
Today, as part of the Information Day, Leonid Konstantinovich Zayats, Authorized Representative of the Head of State in the Mogilev Region, Chairman of the Permanent Commission of the Council of the Republic on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government, met with the staff of Mogilev Meat Processing Plant.
The theme of the meeting is "Belarus is a country of peace and harmony." Leonid Konstantinovich discussed the importance of unity and cooperation in our society.
We are stronger together!
Worth checking out:
17.10.2024"Human resources potential as a factor of efficiency of socio-economic development of the region"JSC Mogilev Meat Processing Plant took part in the regional workshop "Human resource potential as a factor of efficiency of socio-economic development of the region".Read more
08.10.2022LET'S MAKE THE CITY MORE BEAUTIFUL!Employees of JSC "Mogilev Meat Processing Plant" supported the initiative of the city "let's make the city more beautiful" and took part in a clean-up on the improvement of the adjacent territory.Read more