Mortadella Boiled Sausage
- KKAL 210,0
- Fats 19,0
- Proteins 9,5
"Premium Beef" Sausage
- KKAL 250,0
- Fats 24,0
- Proteins 9,0
Luxury Boiled Sausage
- KKAL 302,7
- Fats 30,3
- Proteins 7,5
Doctor Lux Sausage
- KKAL 270,7
- Fats 26,3
- Proteins 8,5
Boiled sausage is "Delicious"
- KKAL 200,0
- Fats 17,0
- Proteins 9,5
Sausage "New knitting"
- KKAL 280,0
- Fats 28,0
- Proteins 7,0
Boiled sausages - a type of sausage products in a shell of minced meat with the addition of bacon, salt, spices and other products, subjected to frying, boiling and artificial cooling during the cooking process. Among sausages, they were the most popular food product in the USSR. Boiled sausages are eaten directly as a cold appetizer in sandwiches, as well as for preparing salads, cold and hot first and second courses, for example, okroshka, saltwort, scrambled eggs with sausage, fried sausage with a side dish.
For minced meat in boiled sausages, mainly beef and pork meat, as well as lamb and offal, are used. Special varieties of boiled sausages are made from rabbit, horse, deer, camel meat and slaughtered poultry meat. Accordingly, according to the type of raw materials, boiled sausages are pork, pork with a content of pork and bacon in proportions from less than 50% to more than 75%, beef, offal, lamb. In the USSR, boiled sausages were produced in four varieties: the highest (amateur, Krasnodar, capital, Belarusian, doctoral, veal), 1st (separate, Moscow, chopped ham, pork, Tbilisi, new with special cheese), 2nd (tea , pork, beef, lamb new with cheese, diner) and 3rd (garlic).
The technological process for the production of boiled sausages includes deboning, trimming, preliminary grinding, nitrite salting, secondary grinding, mixing, stuffing minced meat into a casing, frying, boiling and cooling. Similar operations are carried out in the production of stuffed sausages, meat loaves, frankfurters, sausages and dietary sausages.